
Currently, the institute of Process Imaging offers the following courses:

  • Module: Process Imaging
  • Module: Messtechnik für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen

Module: Process Imaging

SoSe, English, Master’s elective module | Module Description

Starting from the summer semester 2022, the Institute of Process Imaging offers the elective master’s program module Process Imaging. The module covers various imaging methods that can be used to study processes relevant to chemical and bioprocess engineering applications. The module consists of a classical lecture complemented by a challenge-based learning course that includes practical hands-on experience on imaging devices. The module will be held in English.

Content: The Process Imaging module focuses primarily on discussing established imaging modalities that are relevant for chemical and bioprocess engineering. These modalities include (a) optical and infrared imaging, (b) magnetic resonance imaging, (c) X-ray imaging and tomography, and (d) ultrasound imaging but also covers a range of more recent imaging modalities. The students will learn

  1. what these imaging techniques can measure (such as sample density or concentration, material transport, chemical composition, temperature),
  2. how the measurements work (physical measurement principles, hardware requirements, image reconstruction), and
  3. how to determine the most suited imaging methods for a given engineering application/problem.

Learning goals: After the successful completion of the course, the students shall be able to

  • understand the physical principles and practical aspects of the most common imaging methods,
  • assess the pros and cons of these methods with regard to cost, complexity, expected contrasts, spatial and temporal resolution, and based on this assessment
  • identify the most suited imaging modality for any specific engineering challenge in the field of chemical and bioprocess engineering.

In the challenge-based interactive course, students work in small teams and set up two process imaging systems and use these systems to measure relevant process parameters in different chemical and bioprocess engineering applications. The teamwork will foster interpersonal communication skills. Students are guided to work in self-motivation due to the challenge-based character of this module. A final presentation improves presentation skills.

Module: Messtechnik für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen

WiSe, German | Modulbeschreibung: Link (intranet.tuhh.de)

Pflichtmodul im 3. Semester des Bachelorstudiengangs Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen und des Bachelorstudiengangs Green Technologies. Wenn Sie das Modul Messtechnik belegen wollen, melden Sie sich bitte im StudIP für die folgenden drei LVAs an. Dort finden Sie weitere Infos.

Termin für die Modulprüfung: 29.03.2023. Prüfungsanmeldung über TUNE.

LehrveranstaltungDozentenECTSTermine (WiSe 21/22)StudIP Link
Messtechnik VOAlexander Penn2Freitags, 11:30Link
Physikalische Grundlagen der Messtechnik VOChristian Schröer2Freitags, 9:45Link
Laborpraktikum Messtechnik PRHannah Buchholz,
Alexander Penn
und Tutor*innen
2Mittwochs, 14:00Link