Congratulations to Raquel for starting her own career as an assistant professor at TU Delft.
Thank you for your scientific and personal contributions and the great time with you! Take a look!
MRPM 2024 – Best Poster Award – The winner is…
Take a look! Congratulations to Stefan, who won the Best Poster Award at the 16th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic …
Exciting news! Our team’s latest publication in Powder Technology is out now! We investigate the impact of baffles on gas-solid fluidized beds‘ hydrodynamics using MRI
Take a look! Autor*innen Rennebaum, Hannah; Brummerloh, Daniel; Benders, Stefan; Penn, Alexander Understanding and predicting the hydrodynamics of gas bubbles …
Inaugural Lecture – Magnetic Resonance in Chemical and Bioengineering – Youtube
In his presentation, Prof. Penn will show how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be applied to the field of chemical …
Uni Instead of Hospital: MRI for Increased Sustainability. Unique new research device inaugurated at TU Hamburg.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) devices are commonly used in medicine to examine the brain, spinal cord, or other internal organs …
Introducing the MRI lab on the 17th of January 2024.
We are excited to share that at the Institute for Process Imaging at TU Hamburg, in collaboration with various MRI …
IPI at NMRPM 2023 conference
We are excited to share that the IPI group actively participated in the NMRPM conference held in Kaiserslautern, Germany during …
MRI thermometer: probing thermal distributions inside a fixed bed
The article ‚Temperature distribution in a gas-solid fixed bed probed by rapid magnetic resonance imaging‚ has been recently published in …
Poster Prize at Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering 2022
We congratulate our PhD student Daniel Brummerloh for receiving the poster award at the Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and …